Reading Women
RUBI is an initiative of Washington Conference Women's Ministries that aims to equip women to host Zoom book clubs where the reading selections are Relevant, Uplifting, Biblical, and Impactful (RUBI). Join us in our mission to educate and engage women on relevant topics and agendas through reading books and discussion. Sign up below!

Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.
Upcoming Book:
Thursday Nights
Starting April 11, 2024 @8pm via Zoom

Starting at a young age, kids are being fed damaging misinformation about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s up to you to help your children understand God’s truth about these integral concepts in the face of the candy-coated lies that saturate today’s world.
As society continues to blur the lines of what is good, true, and acceptable, God’s standards remain clear and unchanging. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sex and gender through a biblical lens.
April 11 , 2024 @8pm via Zoom
(for the zoom link, reach out by filling out the form below)
(Part One: Things I Probably Already Knew...But Kinda Forgot)
April 18 - Introduction & Chapter 1
- My Kid's Cartoon Showed What?: why I needed this book yesterday
- Sexually Set Apart: how sexual holiness is a nonnegotiable for disciples of Jesus
April 25 - Chapter 2
- Sex is Spelled W-O-R-L-D-V-I-E-W: wait, what's a worldview?
May 2 - Chapter 3
- A Pretty Great Design, When Followed: how gender, marriage, sex, and family show us the God we can't see
May 9 - Chapter 4
- Demolishing Arguments, Not People: releasing ideological captives
(Part Two: Wait, My Kids Are Being Taught What??!)
May 16 - Chapter 5
- Are You Sex Smarter than a Fifth Grader?: understanding the new sexual education standards
May 23 - Chapter 6
- The Enemy's New Playbook: the language and morality of the sexual agenda
May 30 - BREAK
June 6 - Chapter 7
- The Genderbread Person: the new definitions of identity, expression, sex, and attraction
June 13 - Chapter 8
- Sex-Positivity: anything goes if it's consensual
(Part Three: Things That Are Tripping Everyone Up)
June 20 - Chapter 9
- Pornography: it's not technically sex if you're by yourself, right?
June 27 - Chapter 10
- Same-Sex Attraction: hurting people to be loved
July 4 - BREAK
July 11 - Chapter 11
- Gender Identity: when birds identify as bees
July 18 - Chapter 12
- Purity Culture: when our best efforts went kablooey
July 25 - Chapter 13, Afterword, & A Final Word
- Taking Up Your Sexual Cross: because we're all born that way
- Afterword: Things to Repeat to Your Kids Until They Want to Gag: the lasting effects of a good maxim
- A Final Word
Sign up below and join us in our mission to educate and engage women on relevant topics and agendas through reading books and discussion and get access to the zoom link for the upcoming book club session.