The Stewardship department encourages believers to partner with God in the faithful use of His blessings to promote hope and wholeness wherever they go for the glory of God and the advancement of His cause upon the earth.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."

And He continues to give every morning, a million little miracles.

Think of the abundance that proceeds from His creative hand. Think of how He is leading His church and resourcing His people with blessings far beyond our needs.

By a change of circumstances which would call forth man's charities, God bestows upon His people the best means of cultivating benevolence and keeps them habitually giving to help the poor and to advance His cause.

Ellen White

Now, ponder how we sometimes get possessive of His gifts and withhold them from others in need.

Stewardship exists to be a continuous reminder of God's constant mercies raining down upon us to cultivate a Christ-like character of giving, service, and sacrifice in His people.

Stewardship of your time, temple, talents, treasure, and terra (earth) leads the way in fulfilling the great commission of Jesus to go and make disciples throughout our communities and around the world.

God First!


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