Women's Ministries

Women's Ministry is an opportunity for discipling, mentoring, and nurturing women.
It's a place to address the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of women in the church. It's a ministry where women are encouraged to develop their potential for participation in the mission of the church. It's a mentoring and support system for women through the cycles of life. It's a forum to help address topics and issues as they affect women.

Get equipped for women's ministry in your church!
Check out ways to do that below!
"Pray All The Time" (PATTi) is the Washington Conference Women's Ministry prayer initiative, equipping women on how to start a prayer initiative in their local church or via Zoom. Be a part of our mission to empower women in prayer ministries!
"Lead 1, Love All" (L1LA) is an initiative designed to encourage and equip women to be comfortable in sharing biblical knowledge and studying the Bible with someone else. Be a woman in the Word and sharing the Word.

RUBI is an initiative of the Washington Conference Women's Ministry that aims to host zoom Book Clubs where the reading selections are Relevant, Uplifting, Biblical, and Impactful (RUBI). Join us in our mission to educate and engage women on relevant topics and agendas through reading books and discussion.
Cooking And Teaching (CATe) is an initiative of the Washington Conference Women's Ministry that aims to inspire women all over the Washington Conference to promote better health and wellness by equipping them to run healthy cooking and educational classes. Want to get involved? Mix it up! Spread the love! Join the team!
(find more information on cooking class kits here!)

is CHRISTIAN MENTORING - This blog is dedicated to connecting young women to God through mentorship and community, helping them tackle the tough questions they need answers to! No judgment—just compassionate advice from women who care. Follow to be inspired and uplifted on Instagram and Facebook: @gorgeous2god. Use #Gorgeous2God to connect with us. Subscribe to their YouTube Channel to hear from their women vloggers.
Your mistakes do not define you. Your past doesn't determine your future. Live Forgiven. Live Free.

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Women's Ministries is designed to encourage, challenge, equip and nurture Seventh-day Adventist women to make a difference in their homes, churches, communities, and the world. The spiritual vision of Women's Ministries is to know Jesus passionately and to serve and disciple other women.