Find Awesome Resources about Seventh-day Adventist History just for kids

(ps. adults will probably like them too) 




Relive the beginnings of our Seventh-day Adventist church through 117 MP3 dramatized audio stories. You will be enthralled by the dedication of our early pioneers as they come to life through each story. Travel with our pioneers as they learn about the message of the second coming of Jesus and then like the disciples evangelize communities across America and then the globe.  Originally recorded by the creative team at Your Story Hour, these enlightening stories can now be streamed online to your computer or mobile device. They will both entertain, educate, stimulate discussion, and re-kindle ones faith.






A collection of heartfelt stories of happy and sad times in the lives of our Adventist pioneers.





Twenty-four fascinating stories of those who witnessed Ellen White’s prophetic gift- and believed compiled and written by Herbert Douglass.






Based on true events, Tell The World tells the compelling story of a small group of farmers from the northeast of the United States. They set the foundation of an organization that has been at the forefront of issues such as health, education, communication and Biblical interpretation.









Ellen White's great-granddaughter shared her family stories of Ellen when she was growing up. This Early Reader book inspires children with stories about how God helped Ellen and spoke to her as she grew up and became His prophet.





Imagine having a grandma who lived in a big, beautiful house in the country, wrote books for God, talked with angels, and-most of all-loved children! Mabel had a great grandma just like this, and her name was Ellen White.




Mabel Miller was born next door to Elmshaven in 1910 in the house built by her father, Dores Eugene Robinson, on property given them by his wife Ella's grandmother, Ellen White for a wedding present. Mabel's brother, Virgil Robinson, was born three years prior in the "White House" owned by Grandpa William C. White. "Arthur (Uncle) White, had been born in the same room three months earlier." Mabel remembers that her "Grandma Ellen" was never too busy for the grandchildren, despite her heavy responsibilities and vigorous writing regimen.




We depend upon God.
We believe that we are spiritual warriors for God in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The weapons of our warfare include the Word of God, prayer, praise, fasting, and singing. We claim the promises of God, we worship Him, confess our need, accept the sacrifice of Jesus, receive forgiveness, seek His direction, request His help, and call upon the Holy Spirit to empower our ministries and our lives. God provides for all our needs. God entrusts us with His resources. We demand of ourselves high standards of professional competence, financial accountability, and diligence.

Adventist Frontier Missions


Read about the early Adventist Missionary Work from around the world. Here are some of our favorites!







The story of the early Christian experience and public labors of Mrs. Ellen G. White was first printed in the year 1860, in a little volume of three hundred pages, entitled, “My Christian Experience, Views, and Labors, in Connection With the Rise and Progress of the Third Angel's Message.”

This narrative of her life and labors to 1860, was amplified by her, and was republished in 1880 as a part of a larger work, entitled, “Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White.” This, as well as the earlier autobiography, has long been out of print. 

In the present volume will be found, as told in her own language, a brief story of her childhood days, her conversion, and her early Christian experiences in connection with the great Second Advent movement of 1840 to 1844. In a vivid way she tells of the sorrows and joys of her youthful ministry in the years that followed. She pictures the trials, the struggles, and the successes that attended the labors of a few earnest souls from whose endeavors sprang the churches that afterward united to form the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. 

The story of her more extended travels and labors in connection with her husband, Elder James White, she briefly relates from the time of their marriage in 1846 to his death in 1881. 

she hath done what she could.

With chapter forty-two, on page 255, her life-story is continued by C. C. Crisler, who, with the assistance of her son, W. C. White, and D. E. Robinson, has completed the sketch. 

In the closing chapters many interesting incidents regarding travels and labors have been passed over briefly, in order that place might be found for the quotation of some of her most inspiring and instructive utterances regarding the development of Christian experience, and the duty laid upon every follower of Christ to be a true disciple of Him who gave His life for the salvation of the world. The final pages give an account of her last sickness, and of the funeral services. Of Mrs. White it may assuredly be said, “she hath done what she could.” Hers was a life filled with inspiration for all engaged in soul-winning service. 





Hear the story of one of America's greatest WW2 hero's in this movie documentary. Desmond Doss, Jr. shares his father's incredible story that lead him to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor .






During the Cold War, more than 2,300 non-combatant conscientious objectors from the Seventh-day Adventist church volunteered to serve their country by participating in U. S. Army medical experiments focused on developing defensive medical countermeasures against the Soviet Union’s bio-warfare capabilities. These volunteers were exposed to experimental vaccines and infectious pathogens. Operation Whitecoat tells the story of these patriots–their commitment to both their religious principles and desire to serve in America’s defense, their courage to participate in these tests, and their contributions that went far beyond Army biodefense.




The Great Controversy between good and evil has played out since the conflict in heaven between Christ and Satan. In the last 2000 years of human history, we have seen this battle play out on Earth. However, one day evil will be ended, and peace will reign in the universe. Join us each week on a journey through the book ‘Great Controversy’ as we learn where we have come from and where we are headed!







An older production, but with totally relevant information. Dr. Allan Lindsay retells the great stories of Church and Adventist History. The episode below discusses the rise of Seventh-day Adventist Medical Work and it's affects for good on the world.






This beautifully picture book version of Jungle Thorn will show your child a  glimpse of life in the jungle village. They will learn about the medical work done in the mission hospital in Singapore, and most importantly, they will see that kindness and care can change lives and teach even a mountain girl about Jesus.