Three Reactions to the Birth of Jesus
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

How would you have reacted to the news of Jesus’ birth? The night Jesus was born, there were three different reactions that happened. Some honestly could’ve cared less, some were jealous, and some rejoiced and spread the good news!
First there were those that, if they had noticed, didn’t care. They were worried about paying taxes, where they were going to sleep or where they were getting their next meal and a myriad of other things. So, they didn’t really care that another baby was born to a poor family in a dirty stable area.
Second there were those who when they found out were instantly jealous or skeptical. King Herod had instantly become jealous and sought to kill the child when he heard of Jesus’ birth. He was jealous and zealous to protect his kingdom. Many others may have been skeptical when they heard that Jesus was lying in a manger. The wise men first came to Jerusalem following the star and, for them and maybe many others, the capital city seemed like a logical place to look. I’ve wondered sometimes if they were somewhat skeptical when the star led them to Bethlehem.
Third there were those who, when seeing Baby Jesus for the first time, went out and told everyone they saw what they had seen. Luke 2:17 tells us that after the shepherds had seen the angels and Baby Jesus that “they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child.” They were impacted in a positive way when Jesus came. When the wise men finally arrived from the east some time later, Matthew 2 tells us that they bowed and worshiped him and presented him with gifts.
These three responses are some of the same responses that still take place today when one considers Jesus. There are those that don’t care and those that are jealous of the control over their lives. But there is also the individual, that when Jesus comes into their lives, that rejoice and spread the good news. They worship and go into their communities and spread the news of Jesus to those they encounter.
I love what Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, “For what is our hope, our joy or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”
Paul received joy from the idea that those who had come to Jesus as a result of his and others ministry, would be in heaven. When Jesus came into Paul’s life, Paul was transformed and immediately began sharing about Jesus. He took great joy sharing about Him and he took great joy from knowing that those who accepted Jesus would be in heaven with Jesus and Paul.
This should be the same reaction we have on a daily basis. When Jesus comes into our lives each day, we can share Him and take the same joy in the sharing as well as in the knowledge that those who accept will be in heaven as our joy and crown.
This holiday season and every day of your life, I invite you to let Jesus impact your life each day and the lives of those around you.