Doing the Impossible
By Doug Bing, Washington Conference president

Have you ever tried to do the impossible?
Maybe someone has asked if you can sneeze with your eyes open. You will find that it’s impossible. Maybe someone has told you that you can’t lick your elbow, and you actually look at your elbow to see if you can prove them wrong. It’s impossible. Try moving your leg in a clockwise position while also drawing a “6.” It’s impossible. Maybe you tried to grow taller by thinking and praying about it once you are grown. I tried that one. It’s impossible.
There are many things that are impossible and many things that seem impossible.
Jesus wanted 12 uneducated, argumentative men to go and tell the entire world about salvation and forgiveness. It seemed impossible. Yet that is exactly what Jesus told them. Matthew 28:19 reads,
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. . .
In Acts 1:8 He repeats this seemingly impossible command.
. . . and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
It seems impossible, doesn’t it?
Jesus calling on His followers is always filled with challenges. Jesus calling on His people seems impossible. Think about the early church (if you could call those 12 scared disciples huddled in the upper room after the crucifixion the early church.) They had no organization, no money, no detailed business plan, no training program, no church buildings, and yet something happened to them, and they turned the world upside down.
The good news of salvation went like wildfire through cities and towns, language groups, and different countries and cultures.
The good news of Jesus went forward in spite of difficulties and persecution. It went forward because Jesus promised in Acts 1:8 that they would receive power from the Holy Spirit. It went forward because Jesus said in Matthew 28:18 that all power had been given to Him to fulfill this mission.
Today we have the same impossible sounding mission.
The words of Scripture haven’t changed. The commission is the same. We are the disciples of today. This commission is ours. The Holy Spirit continues to work in and through each of us.
As we think about the 5 million or so people in Washington Conference, it seems impossible to share the gospel with everyone. Yet that is what God is calling us to do. This is why every member needs to daily seek the Holy Spirit in their lives and be in a covenant relationship with God. This is why every church needs to be a revitalized church that is growing and is a light in their communities. This is why every church is a place filled with unity and purpose of fulfilling the gospel commission.
Pentecost 2025 is another way for every member and every church to seek and pray for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit to be poured out. Pentecost 2025 is a united effort of this conference, union, and division to be filled with the Holy Spirit and for the good news to be proclaimed throughout this territory.
Almost 70 churches have signed up to be a part of this prayer and proclamation initiative and are united to see what God will do. It may say 2025, but it starts now. If you haven’t heard about this at your church, please speak to your pastor and unite in what seems impossible.